St. Charles Hills subdivision, St. Charles, MO
St. Charles Hills Trivia
How well do you know the subdivision of St. Charles Hills in which you live?
Note: Some of our streets have houses on them that are a part of another subdivision.
The questions refer to residences/houses with St. Charles Hills addresses.
- What three streets have the greatest number of addresses on the street?
- How many addresses are on those streets?
- What two streets are tied for the least number of addresses on the street?
- How many addresses are on those streets?
- How many total streets are in the subdivision?
- Most streets in the subdivision have a name ending in "Street", "Lane", "Drive",
or "Court". There are three that end with something else. What are their names?
- How many streets provide entrances to the subdivision?
- How many parks are in the subdivision?
- Can you name them?
- Where is the unamed park?
- How many parks with playground equipment are in the subdivision?
- How many storefront businesses are in the subdivision?
Answers to trivia questions
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